
Photo-documentation of the walk, digital prints, 2017

The border is the key concept of the history of mankind. It separates the world of the living from the world of the dead, known from the unknown. But the main reason for the existence of borders is not the search and separation of the «Other». It is the search, finding and separation of oneself, cognition, designation and delineation of one's own «I».

In my project, I explored the geographical borderline of my home city. I walked around the city by foot, following the borderline indicated on the Google Maps as a line between «city» and «non-city», and photographed everything I saw on my way. My goal was to physically see the boundaries of my «citizen's» identity, to determine its essence, to find the beginning and end, and also to find out what lies beyond its borders.

The project was implemented during the residence «Perceived Identities. To have or to be?» in YermilovCentre (Kharkiv, Ukraine) in 2017.



