Flowers, Stars and Snowflakes

Performative action, photo, ongoing project, 2023

«…One day I saw a ghost. This ghost was familiar to me, I started seeing it not so long ago and at the same time ages and ages before. The ghost of war in shape of anti-tank hedgehogs showed up in every piece of surrounding reality. In Ukraine they have become such an integral part of an everyday landscape they started to substitute and displace it.

Bit by bit.

Flowers in the spring forest. Stars in the clear September sky. Snowflakes dancing outside my frozen window.

The world hasn’t changed – and at the same time changed completely for me as a Ukrainian, the very way I see and read this world. And this very experience clung to me, like a ghost, and is now following me subtly, transparently, like a bad dream that you can’t forget.

Haunting me.

And I am cursed to take it with us to wherever I go, even to the most peaceful and calm places. Doomed to always carry the war with me…»


It is said that curtains add the feeling of home


Short Form War Time Poetry